Steam it up

MyQi Blog - Steam it up

Lately I have been treating a lot of patients coming in with nasal congestion, foggy head, headaches and ear congestion. The thing with mucous/phlegm is that it loves to hang out in the sinus cavity and make it its home due to the moist warm environment. Therefore it takes a while to get rid of it. If it stays there too long then it can develop into an infection which causes more problems.

One simple thing you can do at home to help move the mucous out quicker is facial steaming. All you need is a pot, a towel and some kitchen herbs or essential oils.

Bring a large pot to boil, then throw in as many of these herbs as you can/want: Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Oregano and Lavender. Gently, put your face over the steam being careful not to burn yourself, then put a towel over your head to make a little “tent” over your head and pot. Steam as long as you can stand it. If you have stuff coming out, let it come out.

You can also use essential oils as well like: mint or peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus lavender (just a few drops of each). Essential oils can be very potent therefore I recommend just steaming for no more than 5minutes.